TABLE 0.xx

                                  (c) 1997
                           M&M Corporation Budapest

         A heuristic fantasy name creator written in Turbo Pascal 7.0

 TABLE.EXE /T:<table> <textsource>
   to create <table>.TBL on the basis of <textsource>
 TABLE.EXE /W:<table> <textsource>
   to create <table>.WBL on the basis of <textsource>
 TABLE.EXE /S:<table> <textsource>
   to create <table>.SBL on the basis of <textsource>
 TABLE.EXE /N:<name> <anysource>
   to create <name>.NAM on the basis of <anysource>
 TABLE.EXE /E:<anytable> <comaptiblesource>
   to extend <anytable> on the basis of <compatiblesource>

    <table> and <name>   DOS filenames, up to eight characters long
  * <textsource>         plain TEXT file
  * <anysource>          any type of TEXT, TBL, WBL or SBL file
  * <anytable>           any type of TBL, WBL or SBL file
  * <compatiblesource>   any type of TBL, WBL or SBL file that is
                         compatible with the given table. (See Notes below!)

  Files marked with a star (*) should be given with their extension.
  Output files will be created in the current directory. If a file under the
  specified name already exists it will be overwritten without warning. Source
  files might be in other directories, but there's a 32 character-long path
  limit, however.

Memory requirement:
 Switch:    Mode:    Memory:
   /T       TEXT       35k
   /W       TEXT       35k
   /S       TEXT      130k
   /N        TBL       35k
   /N        WBL       35k
   /N        SBL      130k
   /N       TEXT      130k
   /E        TBL       35k
   /E        WBL       35k
   /E        SBL      130k

Table descriptions:
 Since I thought this program to be public domain, I include the file

TBL (text)
TBL id
#32,i:6 [1..20]
#32,length:6 [1..20]
#32,letters [1..40]
#32,next [1..40][0..40]
i:1,msh:6,mgh:6 [1..5]

WBL (binary)
$0000  WBL id
$0003  #0
$0004  [WORD]
$002c  [TABLE]
$0694  [LETTER]
For each entry: see TBL desc. above!

SBL (binary)
$0000  SBL id
$0003  #0
$0004  [1..12]
       syll/word distribution
$001c  n
$001e  [1..n]
       $0000         length of
       $0002         syllable
       $0002+length  first
       $0002+length  middle
       $0002+length  last

 It is no use studying this file description, looking into a table_file is
 much more clever. :)

 Conversion from a table_format into another is not yet and won't be ever
 supported. Since both WBL and TBL files contain the same raw letter-vowel
 distribution data, these types are FULLY compatible. SBL files are of
 different structure and contain syllable distribution information.
 That's why it's IMPOSSIBLE to create a table converter program.
 Source compatibility, useful in /E (extend) mode:

    *.TBL: TBL, WBL
    *.WBL: TBL, WBL
    *.SBL: SBL

 Important! TXT-based extending is NOT yet supported. If you want to extend
 your file named MY.SBL on the basis of NEW.TXT you should create a temporary
 file (TABLE /S:TEMP NEW.TXT) and after that you can extend your table on
 the basis of this new file (TABLE /E:MY.SBL TEMP.SBL)

 I strongly encourage you to use this program in /S mode. You can create MUCH
 better words/names in that mode.

 The larger the source file, the better words you obtain, mainly in /S mode.

 You shouldn't use your native language in source files. The result might be
 VERY disappointing. I discourage you to use English either, unless you want
 a textfile FULL of the word of "THE" :) 

 I tried my native language, Hungarian, and several foreign languages as well,
 including Hungarian and English software documentations, Turkish names,
 Basque names and city names, a few of Enya's Irish lyrics and a couple of
 fantasy names (see SAMPLE*.* in this software package)

Comments & new ideas to:


  Molnár Márk
  Dél utca 29.
  1239 Budapest