\documentstyle{article} \begin{document} Ez a lap azokat a v\'altoz\'asokat tartalmazza, amik a p\'entek 12.00 \'orakor kiadott feladatokhoz k\'epest t\"ort\'entek. A magyar sz\"oveg a magyar nyelv\H{u}, az angol pedig az angolnyelv\H{u} sz\"oveg jav\'{\i}t\'asa. This page is a collection of bugs found since Monday 12:00. The english corrections consern the english translation, so you do not need translate the hungarian below. \bigskip r\'egi: 5. .... Egy poh\'arban hajl\'ekony \'uj: Egy asztal sz\'el\'en \'all\'o poh\'arban hajl\'ekony ----------------- r\'egi: 32. .... nyit\-hat\'o-z\'ar\-hat\'o). A mozg\'as \'uj: 32. .... nyit\-hat\'o-z\'ar\-hat\'o). A $t=0$ id\H{o}pont\-ban a le\-gyet a zsi\-lip\-kam\-ra aj\-taj\'anak k\"ozel\'eben l\'att\'ak. A mozg\'as ----------------- r\'egi: 34. .... $$ H(x,p)=x^2 p^2 +\frac{1}{x^2} $$ \'uj: 34. .... $$ H(x,p)=x^2 p^2 -\frac{1}{x^2} $$ ----------------- r\'egi: 42. .... G\'olyat\'abor... N fi\-zi\-kus \'es N b\"olcs\'eszl\'any \'uj: 42. .... G\'olyat\'abor... N fi\-zi\-kus fi\'u \'es N b\"olcs\'eszl\'any ----------------- r\'egi: 19. ... $$ |\sigma_{max}-\sigma_{min}|>K $$ \'uj: 19. ... $$ |\sigma_{max}-\sigma_{min}|>K' $$ ahol $K'$ anyagi \'alland\'o. ----------------- old: 28. ... Let ${\bf E}$ and ${\bf B}$ be static, electric and magnetic fields in ${\rm I\! R}^3$ new: 28. ... Let ${\bf E}$ and ${\bf B}$ be static, electric and magnetic source-free fields in ${\rm I\! R}^3$ --------------- old: 19. ... $$ |\sigma_{max}-\sigma_{min}|>K $$ new: 19. ... $$ |\sigma_{max}-\sigma_{min}|>K' $$ where $K'$ is a material constant --------------- old: Introduction: ...For each problem 100 points can be given. Participants are kindly asked ... new: Introduction: ...For each problem 100 points can be given and no more than 10 problem solution will be evaluated. Participants are kindly asked ... \end{document}