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"Tornyossy, Gabor (OpenVMS Ambassador)" <gabor.tornyossy@hp.com>


Az alábbi hír lényege: az RDB fut Superdome-on.
(Mindazoknak, akik nem a sor másik végére esküsznek :-)


Dear Distribution lists

I know that many of you are looking forward with 
great anticipation, as we are, to the release of 
Oracle products on OpenVMS on the cell based systems 
like HP's Superdome. One of our Partners in the UK 
(Repton) has a Superdome running OpenVMS, HP-UX, 
Linux and Windows, the following is from their 
HP partner site.
	(Please keep in mind that Oracle Rdb is due 
to be released later this year.  It is currently in 
field test on Alpha and I64.  It will require VMS 	
V8.2-1 on I64 and V8.2 on Alpha. Customers can sign 
up for the field test at www.oracle.com/rdb and 
follow the "beta" links.)

	And you are not mis-reading Giles, Repton did 
have a Superdome running OpenVMS last year.  This is 
still not an officially supported platform for 	
OpenVMS (yet 8.2-1).  It is a support platform for 
the other operating systems.

Warm Regards,