Oracle Rdb on CHARON-VAX Emulators

"Tornyossy, Gabor (OpenVMS Ambassador)" <>

[már ketting]

Két érdekesség a cikkből:
1) Charon-VAX fut Alphán (ez ismert is lehet, akár)
2) Az Oracle támogatja a Charon-VAX alatt futó RDB-t

Tehát ha valahol érdemesnek találtatik megőrizni a régi 
környezetet, akkor íme egy megoldás.


Support for Oracle Rdb on CHARON-VAX Emulators

Software Resources International (SRI) has developed a range 
of VAX emulator products that prolong the use of HP OpenVMS VAX 
applications. CHARON-VAX products emulate complete VAX systems 
on OpenVMS Alpha, Linux, or Windows platforms, allowing applications, 
layered products, tools, and middleware to run unmodified.

Oracle Corporation supports VAX versions of Oracle Rdb and Oracle 
CODASYL DBMS and their related products running on CHARON-VAX 
provided that any problems reported can be reproduced by Oracle Support 
on an actual VAX. Customers migrating from VAX to a CHARON-VAX 
emulated environment should check with their Oracle account managers 
regarding licensing. Oracle's Global Pricing and Licensing rules apply. 
In most cases, Oracle license and service agreements are transferred to 
the same number of CHARON-VAX processors at no charge.

CHARON-VAX emulators are software products owned, sold, and 
serviced by Software esources International (SRI). For more information 
about CHARON-VAX emulators, see SRI's web site at: