Host-Based Minimerge (HBMM) for OpenVMS V7.3-2

"Tornyossy, Gabor (OpenVMS Ambassador)" <>

Ha hasznalhatonak talaljatok, megprobalom rendszeresen (real-time =
ahogy erkezik)
elkuldeni az alabbihoz hasonlo technikai hireket erre a csatornara.
(Adam, ok?)

Ez a shadowhoz kapcsolodo uj szolgaltatas (a _mini_ merge) a tobbnyire
nem orommel 
:-) konstatalt eseti merge muvelet jelentos felgyorsitasarol szol.
Ugyanugy egy bit map 
segitsegevel mukodik, ahogy azt a mini copy-nal is lathattuk. Mindezek a
az FC kornyezet optimalis hasznalatat celozzak. 

Regen a "proprietary" megoldasok - SI, DSSI, sot a meg a HSG is tudott
ilyeneket, de most 
"open" eszkozoket hasznalunk. (open = amit a unixok nem tudnak, az
felejtheto. Mindegy, 
hogy jo vagy rossz. Kiveve, ha microsoft, mert akkor fontos :-)

Patch formajaban az engineering a v7.3-2-re elorehozta a v8.2-re
meghirdetett "feature"-t.

Az emlitett egyeb elonyos tulajdonsagok, amit a patch tartalmaz, mind DT
mind geptermi clusterekben hasznalt shadow set-ek menedzseleset

Host-Based Minimerge (HBMM) for OpenVMS V7.3-2 is available 
via the HP OpenVMS patch kit web site
I'm pleased to announce that as of today, 24-Sep-2004, the
VMS732_HBMM-V0200 kit 
is available for download by OpenVMS customers.

This kit provides host-based minimerge capabilities for shadow sets that
consist of 
Fibre Channel or SCSI disks. Since this capability is host-based, it can
be use
with any supported Fibre Channel or SCSI disks. This feature enhances
the already 
strong data availability and disaster tolerance capabilities of OpenVMS
in SAN and 
SCSI environments.

In addition, this kit delivers a number of new shadowing features,
and fixes, that will be of benefit to shadowing users even if they don't
plan to take 
advantage of the host-based minimerge capability. The most notable of
these is the 
ability to prioritize the order in which shadow sets are selected for
merge operations.

This kit includes a new manual that describes how to enable and use the
provided by this kit. This kit also includes an update to the online DCL
help with 
information about the new DCL command qualifiers introduced by this kit.

More information, including links to the kit, can be found in the "News
and Features" 
section of the HP OpenVMS web site.