VMS felmeres a Compaqworkinggroup-on

Fodor Zsuzsa <fodor31@freemail.hu>

Kedves kollégák, a mellékelt felhívást kaptam azzal, hogy 
tegyem közzé. Mivel VMS-sel kapcsolatos a kérdezősködés, az 
is fontos, hogy minél többen nyilvánítsanak véleményt. 
A website egyébként kimondottan a felhasználók véleményét 
hivatott gyűjteni és továbbítani a Cpq fele.

Fodor Zsuzsa

Visit http://www.compaqworkinggroup.org to share your 
feedback on Compaq's latest Instapoll question on OpenVMS 

Internet access via browsers running on OpenVMS 
workstations is available. Is this useful to you?

1. I use Netscape.
2. I use Mozilla (or a field test version of it).
3. I use Mosaic
4. I use Lynx
5. I use another browser on an OpenVMS system.
6. I didn't know browsers ran on an OpenVMS system, but may 
now use one.

More information please.
7. I don't require this functionality via OpenVMS systems.

The Compaq Working Group, specifically dedicated to 
managing an Online Advocacy Program, provides electronic 
channels to recognise and respond to issues of wide 
importance between Compaq and its enterprise customers.
You may visit our Web site at 
http://www.compaqworkinggroup.org to submit an issue, 
electing which category your issue falls in.  Or you may 
vote on an Instapoll question, with new questions posted on 
the web site every few weeks.  This program is not intended 
to replace your account/customer management channels nor is 
it an individual complaint handling mechanism.
This program is a world-wide user group effort intended to 
identify the top priorities of Compaq's enterprise 
customers and provide valuable feedback to Compaq in a 
cohesive, co-operative environment. 

****Submit an Issue by MARCH 15 and enter a Raffle for an 
iPAQ Pocket PC*****

Submit your issues to the Online Advocacy tool at 
http://www.compaqworkinggroup.org.  All CUO-EMEA users that 
visit this site and submit an issue by March 15, will be 
entered into a RAFFLE for a free iPAQ Pocket PC model 3635 
(colour display, 32mb RAM, AC Adapter, USB Sync Cradle, CF 
Card Expansion Pack, Peacemaker Pro software, ZIOGolf 2 
software). Visit the Online Advocacy Web site today to vote 
on the latest Instapoll or submit an issue, and let your 
voice be heard.  Compaq values your opinions!