Idohiba bovebben, tesztelve

Varga Tibor <>

Sziasztok !

Na irtam egy programocskat DCL-ben. Itt lathatjatok lejjebb a reszeredmenyt.
Kiegeszitem meg annyival, hogy a KELE es a VUK node-oknak
azonos a rendszerlemezuk. Minden mas node-nak sajat rendszerlemeze van.
Az idoelteres nagy valoszinuseggel azota van,
miota attertunk a VMS 7.1-2 verziojarol a 7.22-re.
A sajat oram szerint allitottam, ami havonta fel percnel kevesebbet siet.
Amikor a meg futo tesztprogram log file-jat idemasoltam, akkor
a V46 nevu node kesett legkevesebbet az oramhoz viszonyitva.
Az elteres -10 masodperc. Ez lehet az en hibam is. Vagyis, hogy
10 masodperc elteressel utottem le tegnap az Entert.

4 orankent 1 - 1,5 perc kesest nagyon soknak tartok.

Udv. Tibi

$ db = 0
$ write sys$output f$getsyi("arch_name"),"    ",f$getsyi("version"),"    
Alpha    V7.2-2      2002-02-12 14:50:20.73
$ mc sysman
set env/cluster
%SYSMAN-I-ENV, current command environment:
    Clusterwide on local cluster
    Username SYSTEM       will be used on nonlocal nodes
do show time
%SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node KELE
  12-FEB-2002 14:50:20
%SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node VUK
  12-FEB-2002 14:45:02
%SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node V46
  12-FEB-2002 14:58:25
%SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node A3001
  12-FEB-2002 14:45:12
%SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node A3002
  12-FEB-2002 14:45:03
config show time
System time on node KELE: 12-FEB-2002 14:50:22.46
System time on node VUK: 12-FEB-2002 14:45:03.62
System time on node V46: 12-FEB-2002 14:58:26.48
System time on node A3001: 12-FEB-2002 14:45:13.08
System time on node A3002: 12-FEB-2002 14:45:03.77
$ wait 0:10:0
$ write sys$output "Most interaktiv modban allitom be az orakat."
Most interaktiv modban allitom be az orakat.
$ show time
  12-FEB-2002 15:08:34
$ if db .gt. 10 then $ Logout
$ mc sysman
set env/cluster
%SYSMAN-I-ENV, current command environment:
    Clusterwide on local cluster
    Username SYSTEM       will be used on nonlocal nodes
config show time
System time on node KELE: 12-FEB-2002 15:08:34.68
System time on node VUK: 12-FEB-2002 15:08:35.31
System time on node V46: 12-FEB-2002 15:08:35.37
System time on node A3001: 12-FEB-2002 15:08:35.55
System time on node A3002: 12-FEB-2002 15:08:35.74
do write sys$output f$getsyi("arch_name"),"    
",f$getsyi("version"),"    ",f$cvtime()
%SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node KELE
Alpha    V7.2-2      2002-02-12 15:08:35.27
%SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node VUK
Alpha    V7.2-2      2002-02-12 15:08:35.92
%SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node V46
VAX    V7.1        2002-02-12 15:08:36.25
%SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node A3001
Alpha    V7.1-2      2002-02-12 15:08:36.68
%SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node A3002
Alpha    V7.1-2      2002-02-12 15:08:36.94
$ wait 4:0:0
$ db = db+1
$ goto UJRA
$ show time
  12-FEB-2002 19:08:36
$ if db .gt. 10 then $ Logout
$ mc sysman
set env/cluster
%SYSMAN-I-ENV, current command environment:
    Clusterwide on local cluster
    Username SYSTEM       will be used on nonlocal nodes
config show time
System time on node KELE: 12-FEB-2002 19:08:36.68
System time on node VUK: 12-FEB-2002 19:09:53.06
System time on node V46: 12-FEB-2002 19:11:00.75
do write sys$output f$getsyi("arch_name"),"    
",f$getsyi("version"),"    ",f$cvtime()
%SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node KELE
Alpha    V7.2-2      2002-02-12 19:08:36.93
%SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node VUK
Alpha    V7.2-2      2002-02-12 19:09:53.36
%SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node V46
VAX    V7.1        2002-02-12 19:11:01.31
$ wait 4:0:0
$ db = db+1
$ goto UJRA
$ show time
  12-FEB-2002 23:08:37
$ if db .gt. 10 then $ Logout
$ mc sysman
set env/cluster
%SYSMAN-I-ENV, current command environment:
    Clusterwide on local cluster
    Username SYSTEM       will be used on nonlocal nodes
config show time
System time on node KELE: 12-FEB-2002 23:08:37.60
System time on node VUK: 12-FEB-2002 23:12:33.61
System time on node V46: 12-FEB-2002 23:13:41.58
do write sys$output f$getsyi("arch_name"),"    
",f$getsyi("version"),"    ",f$cvtime()
%SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node KELE
Alpha    V7.2-2      2002-02-12 23:08:37.78
%SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node VUK
Alpha    V7.2-2      2002-02-12 23:12:33.83
%SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node V46
VAX    V7.1        2002-02-12 23:13:42.09
$ wait 4:0:0
$ db = db+1
$ goto UJRA
$ show time
  13-FEB-2002 03:08:38
$ if db .gt. 10 then $ Logout
$ mc sysman
set env/cluster
%SYSMAN-I-ENV, current command environment:
    Clusterwide on local cluster
    Username SYSTEM       will be used on nonlocal nodes
config show time
System time on node KELE: 13-FEB-2002 03:08:38.30
System time on node VUK: 13-FEB-2002 03:12:33.98
System time on node V46: 13-FEB-2002 03:13:42.24
do write sys$output f$getsyi("arch_name"),"    
",f$getsyi("version"),"    ",f$cvtime()
%SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node KELE
Alpha    V7.2-2      2002-02-13 03:08:38.44
%SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node VUK
Alpha    V7.2-2      2002-02-13 03:12:34.16
%SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node V46
VAX    V7.1        2002-02-13 03:13:42.72
$ wait 4:0:0
$ db = db+1
$ goto UJRA
$ show time
  13-FEB-2002 07:08:38
$ if db .gt. 10 then $ Logout
$ mc sysman
set env/cluster
%SYSMAN-I-ENV, current command environment:
    Clusterwide on local cluster
    Username SYSTEM       will be used on nonlocal nodes
config show time
System time on node KELE: 13-FEB-2002 07:08:39.08
System time on node VUK: 13-FEB-2002 07:12:34.43
System time on node V46: 13-FEB-2002 07:13:42.99
do write sys$output f$getsyi("arch_name"),"    
",f$getsyi("version"),"    ",f$cvtime()
%SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node KELE
Alpha    V7.2-2      2002-02-13 07:08:39.24
%SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node VUK
Alpha    V7.2-2      2002-02-13 07:12:34.61
%SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node V46
VAX    V7.1        2002-02-13 07:13:43.51
$ wait 4:0:0
$ db = db+1
$ goto UJRA
$ show time
  13-FEB-2002 11:08:39
$ if db .gt. 10 then $ Logout
$ mc sysman
set env/cluster
%SYSMAN-I-ENV, current command environment:
    Clusterwide on local cluster
    Username SYSTEM       will be used on nonlocal nodes
config show time
System time on node KELE: 13-FEB-2002 11:08:40.05
System time on node VUK: 13-FEB-2002 11:12:17.81
System time on node V46: 13-FEB-2002 11:13:44.12
System time on node A3001: 13-FEB-2002 11:12:35.80
System time on node A3002: 13-FEB-2002 11:12:36.68
do write sys$output f$getsyi("arch_name"),"    
",f$getsyi("version"),"    ",f$cvtime()
%SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node KELE
Alpha    V7.2-2      2002-02-13 11:08:41.89
%SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node VUK
Alpha    V7.2-2      2002-02-13 11:12:19.68
%SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node V46
VAX    V7.1        2002-02-13 11:13:46.28
%SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node A3001
Alpha    V7.1-2      2002-02-13 11:12:37.97
%SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node A3002
Alpha    V7.1-2      2002-02-13 11:12:38.23
$ wait 4:0:0