Meg mindig Hobbyist license

Erdelyi Gaspar <>


  mi ujsag a Hobbyist licensszel kapcsolatban?

A FAQban talaltam, hatha uj informacio:

Q) Why is this U.S. distribution only?
A) The Dallas/Ft. Worth Local User Group is managing this program for the
U.S. Chapter DECUS. We are prepared to work with other DECUS Chapters to
provide them with support. For this to happen, the leadership of the
DECUS Chapter needs to contact the DFWLUG and supply some membership
validation information so we can manage the licensing. There may be some
Chapters we are unable to support due to trade restrictions, but we can
work these issues as they come up. For instance, Holland and Switzerland
are now support under our OpenVMS Hobbyist Program.

 Remelem, mindenkinek kellemesen telt a karacsony,
 Boldog uj evet es
