
Kis-Gerecse is one of the most popular climbing places in Hungary. It offers a large number of difficult routes for sports climbing. The three overhanging walls will test your forearms and condition.


From Budapest you have to take the M1 national road until Tatabánya, then take the road to Tardosbánya. After this village (towards Süttõ) there's a road to the forest on your right. Following this road you get to a country inn, park here. Follow the footpath to the crag.


You will need 6-7 slings and some micro-nuts and friends for the trad routes.

Elsõ udvar

(Routes starting from left to right)

Apróvitéz VIII


Senecio VII-

névtelen VI

Angyalszív project

23 karátos VII-

névtelen V-ösök

Katedrális VI+

Big Silence VII

névtelen VII-

névtelen VI

Esõfal (6-17m)


Teenager l'amour VIII-

Batman IX- (CL)

Nazgul IX+/X-

Szilfid  IX-/IX

Lakmározának...  (project)

Metamorfózis IX-/IX

Fenevad  X

Sarlatán X-/X

Fekete Péter IX

Deadline X-/X (project)

Zed X/X+

Laura X-

Harangozó Teréz Extázisa VIII+

A harangok... X

Lélekharang X-

Ekeke IX-

Illúzió-fal (10-17m)


Repedés VI

Sírás a mászókert VII+

Kékszakáll IX+/X-

Kiberiáda VIII-

Küklöpsz VIII

Legyintgetõ Titánok X-

Bányarém (project)

Phiranjas on Amazonas IX-

Magyar Illúzió IX- (CL)


Dáridó IX-

Click here to see the grade conversion table.

Hungarian rock climbing home page

Any comments to Arpad Cseko ,